Wage simulation Simulate your wage instantly




  • Help:
  • 1) Your monthly invoice amount exclusive of tax.
  • 2) Your expenses such as: travel costs, hotels and meals, office supplies, telephone expenses, stamps. Expenses are reimbursed only if original receipts are provided.
  • 3) Our management fees according to your monthly invoice amount :
       10% if TO (turnover) < 5000€
       8% if 5,000€ < TO < 10,000€
       7% if TO > 10,000€
  • 4) Your total monthly wage will correspond to your wage after social charges have been deducted + the refund of your expenses.
  • (5) Net wage is net salary PLUS reimbursement of expenses (i.e. the money transfered onto your bank account)
  • (6) The percentage of net wage is calculated according to your turnover exclusive of tax.


  • Need more information? We’d love help!
  • English Helpline

    +33 (0) 249 880 125


    Contact us

Please note wage simulations are for guidance only and results are not contractual. Expenses are subject to check and approval.